Web page created 8 August 2018.
This Web page includes the following nine sections:
- First Section – Universe Version 1/Genesis, Chapter 1 (Chapter 1 ONLY!!!).
- Supreme Being is Named “Creator”, Not “God”;
- Genesis Ch1 Definition of “god”: “man who eats babies”!
- “Beasts of the Field” are Herbivores!
- Elephants are “Protectors of Man”!
- Dominion of Herbivores by man is PROHIBITED!!!
- Man is ILLEGALLY Exercising Dominion over Herbivores!!!
- Long Lost “Criminal Point System”;
- “Birds of the Sky” are Pterodactyls!
- “Monsters of the Sea” are Manatees!
- Genesis, Ch 1, included “Rain”, to water the Earth!
- What Went Wrong 360,000 Years Ago???
- Ninth Section – Five Immense “Societal” Problems/Solutions
- First Immense “Societal” Problem – Secrecy, Election Ballots are “Secret”;
- Second Immense “Societal” Problem – “Leadership” Limited to “Lawyers”;
- Third Immense “Societal” Problem – “Leaders” Should Not “Govern” the “Common Man”; Instead, “Leaders” Should SERVE the “Common Man”;
- Fourth Immense “Societal” Problem – “Worthless” Jobs, Requiring Significant Travel;
- Fifth Immense “Societal” Problem – “Laws” Concerning “Health Care”;
The CREATOR (“Creator” is proper title, not “God”, as written in Genesis, Ch 1), named “Father Earth”, created the Universe 420,000 years ago. A description, albeit a weasel-worded and obfuscated description, of the Creation of the Universe, is given in Genesis, Chapter 1, and ONLY Chapter 1 of Genesis.
Starting with Genesis, Chapter 2, for the remaining Chapters (3 thru 50) of Genesis, and the remaining 38 Books (Protestant Version) of the Old Testament, the alleged “Supreme Spirit” is called “LORD God”, not “God”. A “Supreme Spirit” called “God” (although FALSELY called “God”, not “Creator”), can ONLY be found in Genesis, Chapter 1.
Genesis, Chapter 2, occurred a mere 60,000 years ago. In other words, 360,000 transpired between Genesis, Chapter 1 and Genesis, Chapter 2. Additionally, Genesis, Chapter 2, incorrectly states that the “Supreme Spirit” (incorrectly called “God” in Genesis, Ch 1) “rested”.
- Creator did NOT “rest” on the Seventh Day; instead, 60,000 years after the Universe began, the Universe Clock was “Hijacked”, by a race of man called the “Anunnaki”, who proclaimed themselves to be “gods”.
- The stories starting in Genesis, Chapter 2, with “LORD God” as alleged “Supreme Spirit”, are stories of real events, featuring various “Anunnaki” as “LORD God”, but these stories, including “Adam and Eve”, are not stories of Universe Creation.
The Universe, designed by Creator, Father Earth, is “Virtual”.
- The “6 Days” described in Genesis, Chapter 1, are “Universe Boot-up Steps”.
- The “Dominions” assigned to man, listed in Genesis, Chapter 1, are the “Universe User Guide”, so that man knows areas of conduct that are off limits. Man has “Free Will” to violate these “User Instructions”, but Creator, Father Earth, loses authority to protect, men who conduct their lives, outside of designed parameters.
SUPREME SPIRIT IS CALLED “CREATOR”, NOT “GOD”. The first of the many “lies” in the Bible, is that the Supreme Spirit who created the Universe, described in Genesis, Chapter 1, is not called “God”, as the Bible states; instead, the Supreme Spirit who created the Universe is called “Creator”. Creator’s name is “Father Earth”. You readers will enjoy Father Earth.
The Bible has induced lots of “Hard Feelings” towards a “Supreme Spirit”, most commonly, but incorrectly, called “God”. As Universe Version 2 unfolds, men (male and female, adult and child) will learn to communicate with Father Earth and to appreciate the improved “Universe Design”, unfolding in Universe Version 2.
GENESIS, CHAPTER 1, DEFINITION OF “GOD”: “MAN WHO EATS BABIES”! The Evil “powers” that have controlled the Karma flow on Earth for the last 360,000 years, have “Hijacked” many definitions, including the definition of “god”. Prior to Original Creation 420,000 years ago, Creator, Father Earth, defined “god” to mean: “a man who eats babies”.
As this “original definition” creeps back into the lexicon of man, members of “Organized Religions” will have to choose between “facing reality”, or “hanging on to bad habits and misleading doctrines”.
“BEASTS OF THE FIELD” ARE HERBIVORES! “Beasts of the Field”, from Genesis, Ch 1, v 25, were created on Day 6 (after “Monsters of the Sea” and “Birds of the Sky” had been created on Day 5.). “Beasts of the Field” are “Herbivores”, because verse 30 states that “green herb” is the “food” for “Beasts of the Field”.
Genesis, Ch 1, does not identify which beasts fall under the category of “Beasts of the Field”. Recent telepaths to this author, identify the following “Beasts of the Field”:
- Elephants;
- Horses and Unicorns;
- Giraffes;
- Hippos (no longer “hippopotamus”);
- Bronto (no longer “Brontosaurus”, because Brontos are mammals, not lizards);
- Moose; and
- Tapir.
The Rhinocerous is not invited back for Universe, Version 2, due to a self-terminating attitude (too much fight).
Note about Bronto. The sorcery that man currently calls “Science”, falsely claims that dinosaurs were reptiles (hence the “saur” or “saurus”). 4-legged dinosaurs were/are mammals. 2-legged dinosaurs, such as T-Rex, were/are “Birds” (the current “de facto definition” of bird). T-Rex was the result of abominations, involving breeding from the Chinese Toothed Goose (Listen to the similarity in “goose” and “T-Rex” “voices”.).
Genesis, Ch 1, makes no mention of “Carnivores”, i.e. “Beasts of the Flesh”. More discussion in section describing Universe Version 2.
ELEPHANTS ARE “PROTECTORS OF MAN”! Father Earth designed the Universe, such that Elephants would be in charge of “Law Enforcement”. Elephants will soon resume their “Designed Role”, as “Protectors of Man”.
The “Stone Creatures” in the 2015 movie, “Noah”, represent “Elephants in Chains”. When Elephants resume their roles as “Protectors of Man”, the Elephants will be unbound from the chains.
The recent movie “10,000 BC”, shows a tribe of men, unfortunately “Hunting” Elephants (Mammoths), but (Spoiler Alert) cooperating with Mammoths near the end of the movie, to find freedom for man and Elephants. Also at end of the movie, man learns to “plant seeds” to grow food, presumably precluding the need to “hunt”.
DOMINION OF HERBIVORES BY MAN IS PROHIBITED!!!. Verse 28 in Genesis, Ch 1, is a LIE!!! Man does not have dominion over “All Living Things”. The Truthful Verse is Verse 26, not Verse 28. According to Verse 26, man has dominion:
- over “Cattle” (cows for dairy, oxen for plowing);
- over “Birds of the Sky” (in Genesis, Ch1, “Birds of the Sky” are Pterodactyls, not our feathered friends, as we know “birds” today);
- over “Fish of the Sea”;
- over “Things that Creep upon the Earth”; and
- over “earth” (lower-case “e”), meaning “dirt”, granting man authority to plant crops and to rearrange landscapes.
Clearly, by omission, man DOES NOT HAVE DOMINION over “Beasts of the Field”!!!
“Zoos”, “Circuses”, and other similar organizations are abominations. Man has no authority to illegally incarcerate “Beasts of the Field”. These organizations are extreme violations of Universe Law. Many of these organizations, separate mothers from newly born babies!!!!!
Man is also in extreme violation of Universe Law, by exercising dominion over the “Horse”. In Universe, Version 2, “Horses” will provide transport for man, but the transport must be with the horse’s consent, under the terms and conditions of the horse, not the rider of the horse.
This author is unaware of many specific “crimes”, that man is committing against the horse; however, this author was also telepathed to call this “New Age”, the “Age of Equestrium” (“Age of the Horse”). For a reason unknown to this author, Horses will be a focus of attention.
The Universe will soon provide “Remedy for the Horse”, to free the Horse from man’s incarceration, and to free the Horse from other crimes being committed against Horses. This author recommends that Horse owners pay extra special attention, to the needs and desires of their Horses.
LONG LOST “CRIMINAL POINT SYSTEM”. Not mentioned in Genesis, Chapter 1, is that the Universe Computer, booted up with an algorithm that assigned specific “POINTS” to “CRIMES”. The Algorithm is called “Criminal Point System”.
- The “Criminal Point System” has been entirely replaced with a new algorithm for calculating severity of crimes. More discussion in the Second Section.
- The new replacement “Crime Rating System” for Universe, Version 2, became effective on 8 June 2018, at 1:37AM EST, when Father Earth regained control of the Universe Clock, after 360,000 years of Universe treachery. More discussion in the Second Section.
- The Original “Criminal Point System”, rated “Illegal Termination of man” (i.e. “murder”), as the most severe crime in the Universe. “Illegal Termination of man” is no longer, even close to the most severe crime. More discussion in Second Section.
- The Original “Criminal Point System”, rated “Butt Fucking” (i.e. “anal sex”), as the second most severe crime in the Universe. “Butt Fucking” has jumped AHEAD of “murder”, as a MORE SEVERE crime than “murder”. More discussion in Second Section.
- The “Birds of the Sky” in Genesis, Chapter 1, are pterodactyls.
- Due to “current convention”, and for “ease of use”, Universe Version 2 will use the currently accepted definitions of “bird” and “pterodactyl”.
- “Bird” will continue to refer to our feathered friends, such as “robin” and “hummingbird”.
- The “pterodactyls”, the “birds of the sky” in Genesis, Chapter 1, will no longer be called “birds”. “Pterodactyls” will continue to be called “pterodactyls”.
“Pterodactyls” ARE FRIENDS OF MAN!!!!! Three recent movies, “BBC Jurassic Monsters of the Deep” (2003), “Jurassic World” (2015), and “Kong, Skull Island” (2016), present interesting portrayals of pterodactyls.
- “BBC Jurassic Monsters of the Deep” portrays a pterodactyl as an “almost pet”, being hand fed by host, Nigel Marvin.
- “Jurassic World” deceptively portrays pterodactyls as “Bad Guys”!!! “Jurassic World” shows a number of characters being attacked by pterodactyls. “Jurassic World” fails to mention, that those being attacked (e.g. “Raptor Dude” with the motorcycle), are the REAL “Bad Guys”, not the pterodactyls!
- “Kong, Skull Island” portrays a group of pterodactyls, ripping apart a “Bad Guy” (dude carrying the brief case attached to his wrist).
- The 1980’s movie, “Dune”, portrays an evolved Manatee as “The Navigator”.
- “Whales” and “Dolphins” are not “Monsters of the Sea”. “Whales” and “Dolphins” originated on Planet Neptune, which is currently knocked way off of its axis. At this time, this author has not been telepathed that “Whales” and “Dolphins” are “invited” to Universe Version 2.
“Rain” is a necessary component of the Universe, to provide life-giving water to plants, beasts, and men. “Rain” was an integral component of the Universe, when the Universe booted up, 420,000 years ago.
However, Genesis, Chapter 2 (NOT Chapter 1), verses 5 and 6, state that there was no rain upon the Earth, but just a “mist” (i.e. “dew”).
A reminder that Genesis, Chapter 2, occurred just 60,000 years ago, not 420,000 years ago. What happened to the rain? Why did the rain stop???
ANSWER: The Universe provides rain for “POSITIVE KARMA” (i.e. “Good”). The Universe does NOT provide rain for “Negatve Karma” (i.e. “Evil”).
- The “desert” regions (e.g. Middle East, “Sahara Desert”, “Gobi Desert”, “Painted Desert”, etc.) upon Earth were once lush, beautiful gardens, teeming with growth.
- After “Evil” gained control of the Universe Clock 360,000 years ago, these areas no longer maintained supportable Karma, and the rain stopped, turning these once-lush areas, into deserts.
360,000 years ago, a vile race of man, called the “Anunnaki”, gained control of Creator’s Universe Computer.
The “Keystone Event” that enabled the hijacking, was an idiotic “Court Ruling”, that Father Earth’s “Perfect Circle” had “One Side”. This ruling gave priority over Earth to Mars (Mars foundation is a 2-dimensional square with 4 sides, or a 3-dimensional “Black Cube”.) and to Saturn (Saturn foundation is the Hexagon. All creatures with six legs, originated on Saturn. Saturn is Planet “Pandora” in the 2009 movie, “Avatar”. In the movie, “Avatar”, notice Jupiter, with the big red spot, in the sky, next to Planet Pandora.).
The priority from the court ruling, enabled abominations, especially vampirism (drinking of blood, used in VooDoo and in other abominations), to overrun Earth.
The “fear”, resulting from the abominations, and from the sorcery associated with the abominations, enabled the Anunnaki to “Hijack” the “Free Will” of men. This wrongful and treacherous move, enabled the Anunnaki to gain control of the Universe Clock, 360,000 years ago.
The treacherous move by the Anunnaki was “Illegal” by Universe Law; however, the Anunnaki, with Djinn-level Math at their command, managed to conjure up ways to “delay punishment”, turning the “Court Ruling” into the biggest “Ponzi Scheme” the Universe will ever know. This 360,000-year “Evil Ponzi Scheme” FINALLY exhausted all of the “delays”, on 8 June, 2018, at 1:37AM EST, at which time, Father Earth regained control of the Universe Clock.
It will take a little while for the 360,000 years of treachery to become “unwound”, but the process is proceeding very quickly. The Second Solar Eclipse, on 8 April, 2024, is a major “Milestone” event. Most of the “unwinding” will be complete by 8 April 2024.
Universe Version 2 is now in effect (more discussion below), and changes have been made to the “Criminal Point System” that will prevent this unfortunate “Evil Ponzi Scheme” from ever recurring. Earth is safe.
………..end of “Universe Version 1/Genesis, Chapter 1″………
Genesis, Chapter 1, clearly and correctly implies, that the Universe was created with “man” as the “Chief Species” of the Universe. Father Earth designed the Universe computer with two unforeseen, sub-optimal design features:
- First Sub-optimal Design Feature: Crimes against man the most serious.
- Second Sub-optimal Design Feature: “Termination” (i.e. “Murder”) the most serious of man-to-man crimes.
First Sub-optimal Design Feature: Crimes against man the most serious. In a properly run “business”, day-to-day operations are not guided by the President of the business. A President’s “normal” duties, are to make sure that the entire operation is functional, and to place proper personnel in key positions. Day-to-day operations are normally guided by the “Operations Officer”, not the “President”. In other words, the “Top Man” in a business organization, should not be the “go-to guy”.
- As “Chief Species”, Father Earth designed the Universe Computer, to count crimes against “man”, to be the most serious of crimes.
- The unforeseen sub-optimal perspective of this design feature, was that, once Evil men gained control of the Universe Clock, the species who “support man” (e.g. Elephants for “protection”, Horses for “transport”, etc.) were unable to complete their tasks, under the pre-planned Universe Design, and treachery ensued.
- In Universe Version 2, crimes against Herbivores, especially Elephants and Horses, will be deemed more severe than crimes against man. For instance, if an Elephant kills a man, the burder of proof will lay on men, to prove that the Elephant’s actions were unreasonable. Furthermore, if Elephants, the protectors of man, deem the killing to be justified, the Elephant will be exhonerated.
Second Sub-optimal Design Feature: “Termination” the most serious of man-to-man crimes. With man as the Primary Species of the Universe, Father Earth designed the Universe Computer to treat illegal “Termination of man”, as the most severe of man-to-man crimes.
- The unforeseen sub-optimal perspective of this design feature, was that there are “non-Termination” crimes, that lead men to virtual “Evil Infinite Loops”, resulting in endless misery and more men being turned to “Evil”. These crimes include “Non-consensual Butt Fucking”, “Vampirism”, “Torture of Children”, “Hoarcruxing”, and “Spying” (“Spying” is a lifestyle, dedicated to attack of other men.).
- Unlike “Illegal Termination of man”, the more severe crimes listed above, create virtual “Evil Infinite Loops”.
- In Universe Version 2, the more severe crimes listed above, plus some other crimes, will be deemed more severe than “Illegal Termination of Man”.
CREATOR, FATHER EARTH, REGAINED CONTROL OF UNIVERSE CLOCK, ON 8 JUNE 2018, AT 1:37AM EST!!!. The “Evil Infinite Loops” that have plagued the Universe for 360,000 years, FINALLY EXHAUSTED their “delayed payment” schemes, on 8 June 2018, at 1:37AM EST.
- The Evil “powers” that have controlled the Universe Clock for 360,000 years, were FINALLY UNABLE to make the required “Karma Payment” for their illegal activities.
When Father Earth regained control of the Universe Clock, Father Earth re-designed the “Criminal Point System”, to correspond to the comments above, and to preclude a possible loss of control ever again.
Six years are required, until the Second Solar Eclipse, on 8 April 2024, to “Undo” the enormous amount of existing injustice, and to “Level the Playing Field”.
Although this author has received clear telepaths concerning “Universe Version 2”, and although the Second Solar Eclipse on 8 April 2024, is an obvious milestone, this author has not seen any “Proof”, that “Universe Version 2”, with its “Revised Criminal Point System”, is “Effective” at any location.
This author will continue to post clear telepaths on this Web site, because, clearly, this Planet cannot sustain, given the current overwhelming presence of “Evil”, and the overwhelming “Trend”, that “Evil” is increasing.
- Something has got to “give”. Maybe all so-called “Governments” will “collapse”.
- This author’s current “Best Guess”, is that the US Government will mostly collapse, with some important “Skeletal Features”, such as “Monetary System”, somehow surviving the collapse.
- A so-called “Civilization”, dedicated to 95% “Lawyers and Judges”, is too much “Sorcery” to sustain. Men need to return to physical labor, especially agriculture. A mere 200 years ago, this entire Planet was mostly configured to support agriculture. Even a small garden, is far superior to 1,000 legal documents, if a man is hungry.
- Men need to conclude, that wages need to be “re-adjusted”. Wages should be directed towards those who “Produce”, much more than towards those who “Think”.
- “Lawyers and Judges” “bullied” their way to 95% “control” of the economy, under the premise that “agreements need to be fair”, and, as a result, agreements are as “Unfair” as they can possibly be. The “Working Man” struggles every day, with many “failures”. “Lawyers and Judges”, especially those with “connections”, are set for life.
This author is convinced, that the Universe is paying attention to the words that are written on this Web site.
- Some men play the “Lottery”, looking for a “Better Future”. This author does not believe in that type of “Gambling”.
- Instead, this author “gambles” that a “Social Design for Earth”, will somehow catch on, and that “ALL MEN” will experience a “Better Future”.
- Hey! If nuthin’ else, this Web page would make a great “Science Fiction Movie”!
………..end of “Universe Version 2, 8 June 2018, Revised ‘Criminal Point System’!!!”………
On 8 June 2018, this author proclaimed the Cleveland/Akron Metroparks, plus some land near Oberlin, Ohio, to be the new “Garden of Eden”, renamed to “Land of the Herbivores”.
The following subsection is a copy of an 11 June 2018 document, written by this author, titled “Gospel of Roger Reynard”. The ensuing subsections provide details, including an explanation of the title.
“GOSPEL OF ROGER REYNARD” – PROCLAIMING NEW “GARDEN OF EDEN”. This subsection is a copy of an 11 June 2018 document, written by this author.
11 June 2018
1. The following Knowledge, from Creator, Father Earth, was telepathed to me, Roger Reynard.
2. Father Earth is name of “Creator” for Universe. Father Earth was FALSELY called “God”, in Genesis, Chapter 1.
3. Word “god” means “man who eats babies”. This definition, was USED by Father Earth, PRIOR to “Creation”, in Father Earth’s design of the Universe.
4. Jesus was a “man”. The claim by the Sanhedrin, that Jesus was “Christ”, is a fucking lie, by the Sanhedrin.
(NOTE: This claim by the Sanhedrin, is in the Sanhedrin’s “Report”, called “The Gospel of Mark”.)
5. 360,000 years ago, “gods”, men who eat babies, gained control of the Universe Clock. Control of the Universe Clock was ILLEGAL, using butt fucking, vampirism, and hoarcruxing, as the primary ABOMINATIONS, to control Universe Clock. The 360,000 years of EXTREME ABOMINATIONS, will be undone, by 8 April 2024.
(NOTE: 8 April 2024 is date of Second Solar Eclipse.)
6. On 8 June 2018, at 1:37AM EST, the “gods” had finally EXHAUSTED the “Ponzi Scheme Power”, using Abominations. “gods” were unable to make “Karma Payment” to Universe.
7. On 8 June 2018, at 1:37AM EST, Father Earth REGAINED CONTROL of the Universe Clock. Father Earth offered Roger Reynard the job of “Universe Commander”, and Roger Reynard ACCEPTED Father Earth’s offer.
(NOTE: The reason that this author was offered job of “Universe Commander”, is that this author is the only inhabitant on Earth who asked for the job, or who wrote plans for the job. This author’s “Primary Responsibility” as “Universe Commander”, is to write instructions so that ALL MEN can become “Universe Commanders”. “Documentation” has always been a “Strength” of this author.)
8. At time of “Regained Control of Clock”, “TURF” belonging to original “Garden of Eden”, had been moved to Antarctica, under (2 miles of) ice.
9. On 8 June 2018, Roger Reynard COMMANDED all “Metropark Land”, primarily Cleveland Metropark (called “Emerald Necklace”), Akron Metropark, and land in Oberlin, Ohio, to be the new “Garden of Eden”, now renamed to “Land of the Herbivores”. “TURF” at South Pole (and any other relocated “Garden of Eden” “TURF”) is NOT INCLUDED, in “Land of the Herbivores”.
10. The current map, for “Land of Creation”, which includes “Land of the Herbivores” and “Field of man”, is a CIRCLE:
- a. Center of Circle is Metroparks Zoo, an abomination.
- (NOTE: Man has no Authority to incarcerate herbivores. Incarceration of herbivores is PROHIBITED!!!!!)
- b. Radius length, is distance from Metropark Zoo, to Mansfield (Field of Man), Ohio.
11. “Number of men” planned for 8 April 2024, is 144,000 minimum (male/female, adult/child).
12. Creator, Father Earth, expects significant increase in size of “Land of Creation”, and in “Number of men”. As 360,000 years of “Ponzi Schemes” crumble, men will have OPPORTUNITIES to CHOOSE paths, paths that had been hidden, due to “Free Will” violations of men.
DEFINITION OF THE WORD “GOSPEL”. The definition of the word, “Gospel”, was telepathed to this author in May, 2018, and the definition ain’t “Good News”, as we have always been told.
Definition of “Gospel”: A document that is entirely based, upon sworn or written testimony, submitted in a “Court of Law”.
- In other words, “Court of MAN’s Law”. There is no such “Court”, as “Court of Universe Law”.
- “Universe Law” no longer recognizes “Courts”. 12-man juries are “Controlled” by evidence, and evidence is controlled by one man, the Judge. Juries can also be controlled by a juror, who has been trained in “Head Games”. In other words, 12-man juries create the ILLUSION of “Consensus” (more “Sorcery”.).
To qualify as a “Gospel”, the document must identify itself as a “Gospel”, and the document must identify the “Beginning” of the Gospel, and the “End” of the Gospel.
Thus, “The Gospel of Mark” is the ONLY TRUE “GOSPEL” in the Bible.
- “The Gospel of Mark”, was written by a Sanhedrin Committee, chaired by Mark (Peter’s son), based SOLELY upon records from Jesus’ trial (Jesus’ trial had taken place, 30 years prior to the writing of Mark’s “Gospel”.).
- Non-designation as TRUE “Gospels”, does NOT render the books written by Matthew, Luke, or John, to be “inferior”. Non-designation as TRUE “Gospels”, merely indicates that portions of Matthew, Luke, and John, were NOT based upon sworn testimony, submitted in a “Court of Law”. In many instances, non-designation as “Gospel”, can be a GOOD THING!
- The version of Mark’s “Gospel”, which appears in all Bibles, DOES NOT PROPERLY IDENTIFY THE “END” OF THE “GOSPEL”, because the “End” of Mark’s “Gospel” WAS REDACTED FROM THE BIBLE, due to Knowledge that the Sanhedrin and all “Christian Churches”, NEED TO KEEP HIDDEN FROM YOU!!! For more information about Mark’s “Missing Ending”, search the Internet for “Gospel of Mark, missing ending”.
COMMENT ON “GOSPEL OF ROGER REYNARD”. This author proclaimed the document he wrote on 11 June 2018, to be a “Gospel”, because the document was submitted to a “Probate Court”.
………..end of “New ‘Garden of Eden’ is Cleveland/Akron Metroparks!!!”………
This section provides guidance about “How to Read the Bible”. For instance, the “Gospel of Mark” is to “Jesus”, as “The Warren Commission Report” is to JFK’s Assassination!!!
With “Lawyers” in charge of “Official Reports”, ALL “Official Reports” are written to COVER UP AND HIDE the TRUE account of what happened, just like “OFFICIAL REPORTS” WE SEE TODAY!!!
BIBLE/GOSPEL ARE “OFFICIAL REPORTS”! The key in reading the Bible, is to understand, that all books in the Bible, including Mark’s “Gospel”, and the books by Matthew, Luke, and John, are “OFFICIAL REPORTS”!!!
- All of the Biblical accounts, were thoroughly scanned and edited, by large numbers of scribes, priests, and lawyers.
- All of the Biblical accounts, are TOTALLY DEDICATED to specific agenda, especially the agenda of ORGANIZED RELIGIONS!
- ALL ORGANIZED RELIGIONS have a specific agendum, of HIDING CREATOR’S UNIVERSE DESIGN, and to FALSELY PROCLAIM, that the Universe is controlled by “gods”, men who eat babies!
- ALL ORGANIZED RELIGIONS have a SUBTLY STATED AGENDUM, supporting HUMAN SACRIFICE (“Christianity” supports “Human Sacrifice”, especially “Sacrifice of Children”!!! Hence the “Sacraments”! More discussion on “New Age” Page.)!!!
WHAT ABOUT CURRENT “OFFICIAL REPORTS”??? e.g. BY “WARREN COMMISSION” OR “9/11 COMMISSION”??? To understand how to read the Bible, one need only to observe how CURRENT “Official Reports” are worded!!!
Despite the OBVIOUS EVIDENCE called the “Zapruder Film”, PROVING that JFK was assassinated by a shot from the front, the “Warren Commision” FALSELY concluded, that JFK was shot from behind by Lee Harvey Oswald!!!
Despite OBVIOUS PICTORAL AND VIDEO EVIDENCE of the Pentagon (which was NOT hit by a jetliner), and Building 7 collapse, the “9/11 Commission” FALSELY CONCLUDED, that hijackers with boxcutters were TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for the carnage that occurred on 11 September 2001!!!
NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! WORLD IS RUN BY “SORCERY” KNOWN AS “LAWYERS”! Just like “Official Reports” by the “Warren Commission” or “9/11 Commission”, the Bible and the stories of Jesus are all “Official Reports” to OBFUSCATE what really happened!!!
- But here is some “Good News” about the obfuscation!!! Once a reader learns to “Read Between the Lines”, and the reader starts to “Ask Reasonable Questions”, the REAL TRUTH stands out “like a sore thumb”!
WHO SAID THAT JEWS DO NOT ACCEPT JESUS AS “MESSIAH” (WHICH JESUS AIN’T!)??? Here is an irony about the Sanhedrin Report, called “The Gospel of Mark”. Mark’s Sanhedrin Committee was charged to find a conclusion, based upon the following circumstances, that had occurred 30 years earlier.
- Multiple witnesses had observed Jesus, who appeared dead on the cross.
- Multiple witnesses had observed a spear (the “Spear of Destiny”, forged by Tubal-Cain), stuck into Jesus’ side.
- When the spear pierced Jesus’ side, the “Veil of the Temple” (i.e. the “Holy of Holies”, where the Ark of the Covenant had been kept), split in two (according to the Bible).
- (NOTE: According to a telepath to this author, the Ark of the Covenant fell straight down 666 feet. In 610AD, Muhammed climbed down to the Ark, to remove Moses’ “10 Commandments” from the Ark, and to place the Qu’ran into the Ark. In 2015, the Ark, now called the “Ark of Gabriel”, was finally moved out from under the former Temple, now “Dome of the Rock”, and the Ark was moved to Antarctica.)
- Several days after witnessing Jesus “Dead on the Cross”, multiple witnesses observed Jesus alive.
- Mark’s Committee was charged with finding, “Whaddup wif dat???”
What really happened with Jesus, was a phenomenon that is currently called “The Mandela Effect”.
- The “Mandela Effect” received its name, because multiple witnesses abserved Nelson Mandela dead in prison; however, Nelson Mandela DID NOT DIE IN PRISON!!! Same thing with Jesus “Dead on the Cross”. More discussion on “Rules of the Universe” page, under the section, “The Past Can Change”.
- Mark’s committee, in its “Official Report”, falsely concluded that, “Jesus must have been a zombie who rose from the dead,” and that “Jesus must have been the ‘Messiah'”.
How ironic, that the OFFICIAL REPORT, by the OFFICIAL ORGANIZATION (SANHEDRIN), CHARGED WITH DETERMINING JEWISH DOCTRINE, based upon OFFICIAL SWORN TESTIMONY, submitted in an OFFICIAL “COURT OF LAW” (Jesus’ trial), falsely concluded that JESUS WAS CHRIST (See “Gospel of Mark”, Chapter 1, Verse 1.)!!! WHO SAID THAT JEWS DO NOT ACCEPT JESUS AS MESSIAH????? Have they read the “Official Report”?????
………..end of “Weasel-wording and Obfuscation in Bible/Gospels! Nothing Has Changed!!!”………
This fifth section is a discussion of computers and technology in Universe Version 2.
- Technology has “exploded”, far beyond reasonable limits. In Universe Version 2, “Technology” will still exist, but “Technology” needs to be “scaled back”, to allow for man to exist beside technology.
- At the current rate, man will be “Replaced” by technology, and “Replacement” is a sub-optimal direction.
The “FIRST DESIGN CONSIDERATION”, is the “Danger” of “Efficiency”. For man to exist beside technologies, “Limits” must be placed on “Efficiency”.
- The biggest “Danger” in “Efficiency”, is that “Efficiency” CONSOLIDATES POWER, into the “hands” of a VERY SMALL GROUP OF MEN. A predominant theme in Universe Version 2, is that, for the most men to experience happiness, CONSOLIDATION OF POWER must be treated with EXTREME CAUTION!!!
- Thus, with efficiency taking a BACK SEAT to happiness, many simple tasks will COST MORE to complete, and many simple tasks will revert back to more complicated processes.
- But in exchange for the increased cost and reversion to more complication, more men will experience meaningful lives, and more men will find OPPORTUNITIES to find a PURPOSE for their existence.
- Instead of one large “Corporation” providing products and services, many small farmers and merchants, will provide the similar products and services, admittedly at an increased cost, but also with an increase in “Safety”, and an increase in “Welfare of man”.
- The concept of a “Corporation”, a “Lawyer” invention that precludes personal responsibility for tasks, will “Disappear” in Universe Version 2. The primary “Reason” that lawyers invented “Corporations”, is to keep money out of employees’ pockets, and to direct money towards “Share Holders'” pockets. The rich get richer.
A “SECOND DESIGN CONSIDERATION”, is the “Danger” of “Artificial Intelligence”. Man should not program computers to do the “Thinking” for man.
- Specifically, except for rare instances, computers should not “Listen” or “Talk”. “Input” to computers should be manual (keyboard or pointing device, such as a “mouse”), and “Output” should be read (printed or on a screen).
- “Computer Thinking” often has a weakness, in that “Computer Thinking” does not adequately account for “Exceptions”.
- Once again, “Computer Thinking” presents the “Danger”, of consolidating an enormous amount of power, into the “hands” of a very small group of men.
A “THIRD DESIGN CONSIDERATION”, is that man needs some computers, to protect man from other, more powerful, computers.
- “Virtual Computers”, discussed in more detail below, are a valuable training aid, that allow students to “Create Intricate Networks” on one or two computers. Further, the concept of “Virtual Computing” is a valuable training aid, in that students can better understand the “Virtual Nature” of man’s Physical Universe.
- However, “Virtual Computers” should not be part of a “Production Environment”; instead, the concept of “Blade Servers”, with shared input and output devices, are more appropriate to a “Production Environment”, to ensure the welfare of man.
- “Virtual Computers” present the risk, that Operating Systems are managed by software, not hardware. Software control of Operating Systems, presents the risk of “Remote Takeover”.
- A very early and compelling design demand by the US Government, was that “(Ctl)(Alt)(Del)” should be a SACRED key combination, ensuring that whoever had physical possession of the hardware, could “Break Into” the hardware. The “(Ctl)(Alt)(Del)” requirement to change Administrator password, also ensured that the Administrator could only change the password, from the computer console. Further, with keys on opposite sides of the keyboard, a “(Ctl)(Alt)(Del)” password change, required two hands.
- With “Virtual Computers”, “(Ctl)(Alt)(Del)” CANNOT be “Sacred”, because “(Ctl)(Alt)(Del)” is reserved for the Host Computer, and the key combination is not available to the “Virtual Computers” running on the Host. Once again, this “Weakness” is immaterial in training environments, but in Production environments, the danger of “Virtual Computing”, outweighs the efficiency of “Virtual Computing” for Universe Version 2.
OPERATING SYSTEMS. Operating Systems for home personal computers will either be “Open Systems” (i.e. Linux), or a return to Microsoft Windows Workgroup 3.11, running on top of Microsoft DOS, Version 6.22.
- Although the Windows and DOS Operating Systems were developed by the privately owned company, Microsoft, support of Windows and DOS, will be transferred to a “Public Services” organization, in support of Universe Version 2.
- Windows Workgroup 3.11 Operating System, was the last Microsoft operating system, prior to the inclusion of a “Registry”, which first appeared in “Windows 95”. Although the Workgroup 3.11 required adequate configuration of text-based “.ini” files, the “.ini” files were much less complicated and much less “Secretive”, than the Microsoft “Registry”.
- Hardware for Workgroup 3.11 will lose the “Autoconfiguration” capabilities of the later Microsoft Operating Systems. Hardware (NIC’s, Sound cards, etc.) will require manual configuration of “Jumpers” or “Switches”, to allow the user to determine “Interrupts”, “Ports”, and “DMA” (Direct Memory Access) settings. “Jumper” or “Switch” settings will probably be on the motherboard, and not on the interface cards themselves (Motherboards will probably be built with integrated interface cards.).
- An advantage to the DOS Operating System, was that a motherboard could be troubleshot, with a bootable device that had only three files: “command.com”, “msdos.sys”, and “io.sys”.
A trend that has accommodated “Ease of Use” over the last 20 years, is that most or all “Internet Functions”, have been consolidated into one application: a Web “Browser” (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.). In today’s Internet environment, users can browse the Web, view email, download files, access secure systems, turn on their ovens, and perform other activities, using the single application – the browser.
In the days of Workgroup 3.11, separate applications were required to perform different Internet functions.
- “Internet Explorer” allowed a user to browse the Web, but “cookies” and other tracking files did not exist. Viewing email required a separate application (e.g. the “Original Outlook”, later “Outlook Express”), and downloading of files required another separate application, for “FTP” (“File Transfer Protocol”).
- Access to other secure systems, such as Citrix, also required separate “Clients”, configured to the specifications of each respective system.
Office applications, mainly word processing, spreadsheets, and database, will revert to similar functionality that was present in Microsoft “Word”, version 6, and “Excel”.
Although “wireless” communications have greatly increased use of technology, “wireless” communications also “contaminate” the Ether (See “Rules of the Universe”), and “wireless” communications have greatly diminished “Security”, by allowing access through the air, instead of a secured cable.
“Normal” electric aerial lines, emit frequencies that have an unknown effect on man and beast. Additionally, aerial lines are a hazard to anything passing thru the air. Microwave towers, with very “constricted” emanation patterns, will be allowed.
A ginormous construction project in Universe Version 2, will be the burying of all cables, communication and electric, with the obvious exception of termination points. With proper underground shielding, man and beast will be virtually “immune” from the unknown effects of these currently airborne frequencies.
To “Replace” wireless communications, to allow “Reasonably Prompt Access” to communications, hardware switches, for “cable access”, will be installed in many, many locations. If a user requires quick communication access, the user will find an easy-to-locate hardware switch, and will “Plug Into” the switch, using a cable. Additionally, many, many “Free” public access telephones, with cable-based connections, will be liberally spread across the countryside. Maintenance of these “Free” devices, will be inherited by, yet again, a “Public Service” (tax-based) organization.
………..end of “Computers and Technology in Universe Version 2″………
This Sixth Section, is a description of beasts that are not described in Genesis, Chapter 1.
This author does not know what to think of beasts that are not described in Genesis, Chapter 1.
- Is the lack of mention, just an omission, intentional or accidental?
- Were the beasts “Created” on another planet and transported here? If so, are they invited back for Universe Version 2?
- Were the beasts “Created” here on Earth at a different time and place? If so, are they invited back for Universe Version 2?
Here is a partial list of “beasts” that are not included in the First Section of this Web page, which summarizes Genesis, Chapter 1. Maybe the beasts we see today will just continue. The only certainty, is that we’ll find out, when the time comes.
- Apes and monkeys;
- All carnivores (i.e. “beasts of the flesh”, including canines, felines, bears, raccoons, wolverines, otters, etc.);
- if “Birds of the Sky” are pterodactyls, what about our fine, feathered friends (robins, sparrows, finch, raptors, etc.);
- Reptiles and amphibians;
- Hooved beasts other than Cattle and “Previously Listed” Herbivores (sheep, pigs/boars, deer/antelope, goats, camels, llamas, etc.);
- Wild cattle that are not under the dominion of man (bison, water buffalo, etc.);
- if “Monsters of the Sea” are manatees, what about other mammal sea life (whales, dolphin, seals, etc.);
- Rodents;
- things that creep in the water (crabs, octopuses, squid, etc.); and
- insects, spiders, and bugs?
………..end of “Which Beasts are Not Described in Genesis, Chapter 1?”………
This Seventh Section does not predict the future of Universe Version 2; however, at the same time that this author received telepaths about Universe Version 2, this author also received telepaths concerning Biblical stories, which certainly relate to Universe Version 1. These telepaths are listed below. With one exception (“Tubal-Cain’s Ark”, not “Noah’s Ark”), these telepaths do not contradict the Biblical stories; instead, they just add interesting details to existing stories.
NOAH’S ARK. According to the telepaths received by this author, the “Ark” upon which Noah stayed for 40 days and nights, was not “Noah’s Ark”, but was “Tubal-Cain’s Ark.”
Tubal-Cain is considered by many, to be the “First Freemason”, and a “Master Architect”. Legend has it, that Tubal-Cain had command of 200 Djinn (“Genies”), who could build enormous super-structures, like the Ark (Same 200 Djinn who, legend has it, later built the First Temple, under command of “Master Architect” Hiram Abiff, for King Solomon.)!
As described in the First Section, Noah lived during a time that there was no rain, but a mist upon the Earth (Genesis, Ch 2, v 5 & 6).
Tubal-Cain knew that rain was on the way, for the first time in thousands of years. Noah was a man who deserved “Existence”, a man who “Deserved” rain. Tubal-Cain had built the Ark, anticipating the rain, but Tubal-Cain needed a way to lure Noah onto the Ark. Noah wasn’t about to believe the lower-than-whaleshit, never-told-the-Truth-in-his-life, Tubal-Cain, that rain was on its way, and that Noah and his family needed to board the Ark!
To lure Noah onto the Ark, to deceive Noah into thinking that Creator wanted Noah on the Ark, Tubal-Cain devised an “Animal Magic Trick”, using vials of blood from beasts, beasts that Noah was to “falsely observe”. Here’s how it worked:
- The “Magic Trick” was performed from 1/4 mile away.
- Tubal-Cain gave some type of “Karma Markers” to Noah and to Noah’s family, probably something to wear, maybe even over the eyes.
- Tubal-Cain had pairs of men walk onto the Ark, each pair covering their Souls (i.e. “holding their hands over their hearts”), and each pair of men holding vials of blood, blood from the beasts that were to be “holographed” to Noah. For instance, a pair of men holding vials of elephant blood, would appear as a pair of elephants. A pair of men holding vials of lion blood, would appear as a pair of lions. etc.
- REMINDER: Our “Souls”, our DNA, are contained in our blood. Blood is “Sacred”, and should never be shared or intentionally spilled. Normally, when a first man views the image of a second man, the first man’s “Vision Demons”, scan the blood of the second man, to calculate the “Image” of the Second Man. Then the first man’s Vision Demons transmit the second man’s “Calculated Image” to the thoughts of the first man. With the “Karma Markers” and with Tubal-Cain’s “magic assistants” covering their Souls, Noah’s vision demons were tricked into scanning the blood in the vial, and transmitting to Noah, the image of the beast, whose blood was in the vial. This “magic trick” is an abomination.
- (NOTE: A reverse of this same magic trick was later used by Peter, James, and John. Peter placed a vial of “Human Blood” around the neck of a water fowl, probably a goose, whose “Waterfowl Soul” had been covered, to present the image of a man walking on water.)
Noah and his family were successfully deceived by Tubal-Cain, and Noah boarded Tubal-Cain’s Ark.
MOSES PARTING THE RED SEA. When Moses led the Jews away from the Pharaoh, Ramses, Moses had stolen the “Ark”, later called the “Ark of the Covenant” (“Covenant” had not yet been written.), from the Egyptians. The reason the Pharaoh chased Moses, was that the Pharaoh had discovered that Moses had stolen the Ark.
It was possession of the Ark, that gave so-called “Authority” over the 200 Djinn, mentioned in the previous Subsection. At the Red Sea, Moses had the 200 Djinn build an enormous bridge for the fleeing Jews. When the Pharaoh’s army started crossing the bridge, Moses had the 200 Djinn dismantle the bridge. NOTE: The “Master Architect” who commanded the Djinn, was probably Aaron.
SAMSON AND DELILAH. Samson did not lose his “Immunity” from harm, because his hair was cut, as the Bible “Implies”, but does not explicitly state. Samson lost his “Immunity” from harm, because Delilah had tricked Samson into hitting Delilah. When Samson hit Delilah, Samson and Delilah’s “Consensual Fucking”, turned into “Non-consensual Rape”, and Samson lost the Universe authority for protection from harm.
Another interesting “tidbit”, involves the 1,000 Philistines that Samson “killed” with the jawbone of an ass. According to the telepath received by this author, cinematic portrayals of this event were “quite robust”!!! All 1,000 Philistines dropped dead before they could reach Samson (NOTE: In about 1300AD, Vlad the Impaler, later known as “Count Dracula”, had a similar, historically documented, encounter with the Army of a Sultan, with the same results.).
DAVID AND GOLIATH. Although Biblical and other stories focus most attention upon males, it is females, especially female spies, who are primarily responsible for the “Outcomes” that are later realized. “David and Goliath”, two males, are no exception to this general rule.
Although David, later King David, is “credited” with extreme bravery for “facing” Goliath, how “brave” is it, to launch a projectile from a slingshot, way out of range of an opponent’s weapons??? Goliath was no “hero” either. Goliath’s sword was the infamous “Excaliber”. “Excaliber” and the infamous “Spear of Destinty”, had both been forged by Tubal-Cain.
To lead Goliath to an early demise, David had sent hot chick female spies into the Philistine camp. Goliath fell in love with one of the female spies (no duh!). Goliath possessed a valuable gem, that Goliath gave to the attractive spy. When Goliath presented the hot chick spy with the valuable gem, Goliath pressed the gem against his forehead, and Goliath swore an oath to his “LORD God”, that if Goliath ever harmed this hot chick, that the gem would return to Goliath, piercing Goliath’s forehead in the gem’s return, and killing Goliath (Spoiler Alert: This oath was an “unfortunate event” for Goliath.).
It was easy for OTHER hot chick spies, to arrange a scenario, that threw the dumb-as-nails Goliath into a jealous rage, killing the first hot chick spy, whom Goliath had sworn to not harm. It was the gem upon which Goliath swore the oath, that was the stone in David’s slingshot.
NOTE: A “Golden Rule” among “spies” and “Oracles”, is: “You never show your cards.” David was unaware of the oath that Goliath took. David was falsely told, and David believed, that the “reason” David had authority to kill Goliath, was that David had “Secretly Married” the hot chick spy, that Goliath later killed. If any of you readers are hot chick spies who are “Secretly Married”, you may want to “Check Your Six”! “Secret Marriage” was a foundation of the Abraham/Sarah spy duo.
“RESURRECTION” OF JESUS. The Fourth Section of this Web Page, in the subsection dealing with Jesus as “Messiah” (which Jesus ain’t!), describes the series of events, that led to the “Official Report” called “The Gospel of Mark”.
As implied in the Fourth Subsection, although multiple witnesses saw Jesus “alive”, days after multiple witnesses saw Jesus “Dead on the Cross”, Jesus was not really “Resurrected”. In other words, Jesus DID NOT “RISE FROM THE DEAD”!!!
Well……if Jesus did not “Rise from the Dead”, then what was the “Dead Jesus on the Cross”, that multiple witnesses had observed earlier?????
ANSWER: What witnesses observed on the cross, and in most of the torture leading to the “apparent Crucifixion”, was not Jesus!!! What witnesses observed, was a DJINN WHO LOOKED AND SOUNDED EXACTLY LIKE JESUS!!! An “Equivalent” sequence of events, later led multiple witnesses to “falsely” observe, a “dead Nelson Mandela in prison”!!!
DISCUSSION. “Djinn” are the true “Guardian Angels” of man. Do not confuse Djinn, the “Guardian Angels”, with the treacherous, bloodthirsty “Archangels”, such as Michael or Gabriel!!!” Djinn are “Good Guys”!!! Archangels are “Bad Guys”!!!
Why does the Universe design allow for “false killings”, such as “Crucifixion of Jesus” or “Mandela dead in prison”?????
ANSWER: The Universe does not allow men to be killed before their time, such as Jesus at his trial, or Nelson Mandela in prison; however, the Universe ALLOWS “Evil” men, to be as “Evil” as they can be! Thus, for important and powerful Karma transactions, with lots of “Karma” at stake, the Universe will sometimes, under very special circumstances, send in a Djinn, who “appears” to suffer, to ALLOW self-terminating individuals, to bring about their own demise, as quickly as possible!!!
The High Priest, Caiaphas, who singlehandedly, wrongfully, and illegally pronounced the “Death Sentence” upon Jesus, did not last long after Jesus’ trial. Caiaphas was killed when the “Djinn Jesus” was stuck in the side by the “Spear of Destiny”, because Caiaphas was in the “Holy of Holies” with the Ark, when the “Holy of Holies”, the “Veil of the Temple”, was split in two. Caiaphas fell the 666 feet, along with the Ark!
………..end of “Recent Bible Telepaths”………
This Eighth Section is a summary of a telepath received by this author. Obviously, from the title of this Eighth Section, the subject of this section is rather important, and this author has zero proof to substantiate this telepath.
- Nevertheless, this author has always felt as if the importance of “Salt” has been vastly understated.
- For “some reason”, 2 years prior to the telepath about “Stolen Salt”, this author listed “Salt” (First “Right of Man”) ahead of “Water (Second “Right of Man”), in the “Rights of Man”, listed on the “Rules of the Universe” Page.
- If nothing else, maybe this Eighth Section will PREVENT Mormons from stealing salt from the Cleveland Salt Mines.
“STOLEN SALT” TELEPATH TO THIS AUTHOR. In May, 2018, a telepath to this author, indicated that the Mormons are stealing salt from the Cleveland Salt Mines.
- The “Stolen Salt” is then transported upon, what is now, the “Interstate 80 Corridor”, which runs from just south of Cleveland, Ohio (close to former Mormon Headquarters in Kirtland, Ohio, and close to Hiram, Ohio, where Joseph Smith was “tarred and feathered”), thru Salt Lake City, and over the Bonneville Salt Flats.
- The “Stolen Salt” is then incarcerated on the Western side of the Rocky Mountains, primarily at the Bonneville Salt Flats, which were surveyed in the 1830’s. A railway line was completed over the Bonneville Salt Flats, in 1910.
- This author does not know the reason for the stealing of salt; however, the stealing of salt is somehow connected to “Granite Mines”, which are often locations of “Portals”. “Concentrated Granite”, with piezo-eletric crystals embedded within the granite, can create enormous electrical fields (NOTE: The “Great Pyramid” at Giza is primarily composed of granite.).
GRANITE MINES CONTAIN “PORTALS”. In May, 2018, at the same time as the “Stolen Salt” telepath, this author was telepathed that “Granite Quarries” often include “Portals”, thru which men can change locations in a very short period of time (like the movie “Stargate”).
One location of “Granite Quarries”, is Berea, Ohio, where Baldwin-Wallace University was constructed in the 1840’s, from the granite. On the “New Age” Page, in this author’s “Personal Experience with VooDoo” subsection, this author details an account of a “visit” in a Hospital Emergency Room, by Pope Francis, on 23 and 24 September 2015. Pope Francis was 400 miles away at the time, in Washington D.C. A “Portal” would explain the possibility of such a “400-mile distant visit”. Other granite quarries are often located near Colleges and Universities, such as the granite quarry featured in the 1979 movie, “Breaking Away”, at the University of Indiana, in Bloomington.
………..end of “Are Mormons Stealing Salt from Cleveland Salt Mines???”………
This Section, the Ninth Section, added 17 August 2018.
What type of society should man design for Universe Version 2?
The “Societies” and/or “Civilizations” that have been in effect for the last 360,000 years, are best described as “ENGINEERED DYSFUNCTIONALITY“. The rich get richer, and the “Common Man” is ignored.
Prior to discussion about “Societal Problems and Solutions”, this author mentions two “Societal Models” that influenced this author’s thinking: a book and the American Indian. We have very few “Societal Models” from which to choose.
This author recommends reading (available online) the book, “Vril, Power of the Coming Race”, written in 1871 (called the “First Science Fiction Novel”). Although this book was a favorite of Nazi’s, this author thought that the book’s description of the “underground civilization”, called “Vril-ya”, had compelling arguments about how to put individuals to work at very early ages (early teens, 13-years-old), and how to seek happiness.
This author has also been intrigued by the “societal structure” of American Indians. This author is impressed that disputes among American Indian tribe members, are normally resolved by “Chiefs”, not by lawyers and judges.
Listed below are just five of the many, many “Immense Problems”, induced by “Society”. Along with each problem, this author has included a short description of a proposed solution to the problem.
SOLUTION TO FIRST IMMENSE “SOCIETAL” PROBLEM. For “Voting” to be effective, ballots should be “Open and Public”. Each ballot should be accompanied by the name and address of the man (male or female) who cast the ballot. That’s what the US Senate does. No “Secret Ballots” there! Open/Public ballots would eliminate “Vote Cheating”, which is currently rampant. It is unlikely that any of the other “Societal” problems can be “cured”, until after “Vote Cheating” is cured.
Virtually, if you’re not a “Lawyer” (or, if you haven’t hired hundreds of lawyers), you’re not allowed to be a “Leader”.
Lawyers and Judges Have “Bullied” their way, to 95% Inclusion in all decisions, and these lawyers and judges help themselves to a sizable portion of our economy.
Back in the early 1960’s, American Citizens had a reasonable amount of “Freedom” to conduct their lives.
- The early-60’s “Freedom” is gone.
- This author is a believer in “Safety”, but “Safety” regulations and taxes, have removed the “Common Man’s” ability, to make reasonable choices.
- Young swimmers are no longer offered the opportunity, to jump off of a 3-meter board, because of “Safety”.
- If the amount of tax on a pack of cigarettes is properly analyzed, the cost of a pack of cigarettes is probably 80% tax. Meanwhile, x-rays, which “cook” a man’s lungs like a microwave oven, are “Immune” from adverse health studies and increased taxes. Worst of all, once a tax starts, the tax never ends, even if the original “Purpose” of the tax has been satisfied.
There should be no such “Job” as “Lawyer” or “Judge”. The current “Judicial Structure” of the United States Government, is totally dysfunctional.
“Leaders” of Societies should be called “Chiefs”. “Chiefs” should be determined by voting with open/public ballots.
- A “Chief” should not make decisions for more than 10,000 men (male/female, adult/child). In other words, a population of 10,000 should be the “Upper Limit” of a Chief’s domain.
- The functionality of a society should depend upon a “tier-based” system. “Common Man” should be at the bottom of the “tier-based” structure, and “Chief” should be the “Leadership Tier”, immediately above “Common Man”.
- There should be only a few “Leadership Tiers” above “Chief”, to be determined as necessary. The fewer “Leadership Tiers”, the better.
- Individuals placed in each successively higher “Leadership Tier”, should be determined by open ballot of the immediately lower “Leadership Tier”. For example, the “Common man” should only vote for “Chiefs”. Only “Chiefs” should vote for the tier immediately above “Chief” (whatever that tier turns out to be).
- A “Chief” should be responsible for all “legal issues”, arguments, and disagreements that occur within a chief’s domain. For disagreements between domains, all involved chiefs should have collective authority to resolve differences. “Responsibility” and “Accountability” will be keynote functions in Universe Version 2.
- Term limits. An individual should never be allowed to serve more than “4 Years” in one “Leadership Position”, or more than “8 Years Total (for life)” in all “Leadership Positions”. The “Loss of Efficiency” from high turnover, will be far surpassed by the increase in safety, and the prevention of life-long “Societal Leaders”.
NOTE: This author does NOT propose that lawyers and judges stop earning a living; instead, this author proposes that lawyers and judges adopt meaningful jobs, with EVERYONE, INCLUDING current lawyers and judges, earning reasonable wages at their new jobs.
The “Common Man” is in dire need of public services, such as:
- water/sewage treatment;
- waste removal;
- transportation (roads, airports, public transportation, etc.);
- communication (phone lines, data lines);
- educational opportunities;
- monetary services (e.g. production/storage/allocation of money);
- electric and/or gas (power plants);
- safety (traffic control, food safety recommendations).
The word “Government” should be removed from the lexicon of man, and should be replaced with the words, “Public Service”.
Many “Public Service” jobs, should be available to most “Common Men” who seek employment. Paid training should be an integral part of “Public Service”. Jobs should be made available, to all who are willing to work and who are capable of working.
We have too many laws. This author is a big proponent of “Recommended Guidelines”, “Documented Procedures”, and “Certified Results”. It is sub-optimal to “re-invent the wheel” at every turn of events. It is proper to issue “Certifications” for men who comply with “Documented Procedures and Guidelines”.
But “Customers” should also have the option of choosing products or services from men who do not strictly comply with those “Documented Procedures and Guidelines”. Men should not be heavily fined and/or incarcerated for small deviations from guidelines and procedures, especially when the guidelines and procedures are unreasonable.
We have too much “Standardization”, especially in “Education”.
- Instead of country-wide standardization for all “laws”, a more reasonable approach, is to allow a locality to determine the “Societal Requirements”, that best suit the locality’s needs. In other words, a duly-elected “Chief”, would decide a locality’s “Societal Requirements”.
- A “Non-standardization Society” would allow citizens to have CHOICES about where and how, to raise their children and live their lives. The CHOICE of how to “live one’s life”, should not be a country-wide edict. An agricultural community will have different needs, than the needs of a “merchant-based” community, or a community that specializes in an area of “Public Service”.
Instead of conscripting young adults into military service to fight wars, voluntary “Public Service” opportunities for young adults, should be made available, so that young adults can earn a reasonable amount of money, by joining a “Public Service” organization.
- A significant amount of “Public Service” should be dedicated towards “Agriculture”.
- Young adults should have opportunities to work on “Public Service Farms”, and to make reasonable wages, for 4-year terms on those “Public Service Farms”.
- Once again, “Paid Training” should be an integral part of “Public Service” opportunities. This author proposes that students, even in First Grade, should be PAID to ATTEND “Public Education”.
Most men drive significant distances to their “Jobs”. In a typical “Skyscraper City”, there is almost “Zero” production. “Jobs”, such as lawyers, bankers, stockbrokers, administrators, and accountants, merely track and direct “money” (1’s and 0’s on silicon chips, or pixels on a piece of paper) to locations, that enable the rich to get richer.
SOLUTIONS TO FOURTH IMMENSE “SOCIETAL” PROBLEM. Instead of skyscraper cities dealing with finances and laws, men should return to farms (agriculture) and small merchantship. Men should live at or close to their “Jobs”. Pay should be vastly increased for production of food and production of “locally based” products.
NOTE: Where would we get the money, to pay for the “vast increase” in other types of pay (e.g. for production of food, merchantship, paid training, and payment to be educated)????? ANSWER: The source for the money, is the money that is CURRENTLY being allocated to:
- lawyers;
- bankers;
- stockbrokers;
- administrators;
- accountants; and
- the military industrial complex!!!
Let’s direct money towards “food” and “products”, instead of directing money towards “war” and “finance”.
In other words, just redirect money that is currently being spent on “worthless” jobs that require significant travel. Additionally, the “Common Man”, and society, will realize a drastic decrease in the cost of transportation!
SOLUTION TO FIFTH IMMENSE “SOCIETAL” PROBLEM. There should be no “laws” concerning “Health Care”. “Health Care” is much too important, to allow lawyers to make decisions on how a man should be healthy. Lawyers do not exemplify the “epitome of health”, and they should not dictate the health treatments, for all other men.
Specifically, laws prohibiting the use of marijuana are abominations. Men should have the opportunity to smoke marijuana for its healthful benefits. For those who do not recognize any health benefits from smoking marijuana…..don’t smoke it. It’s that simple.
This author does not propose that all of the current “Legal Health Care” (which can be called “Rockefeller-based Medicine”), be abolished. Those who choose to continue current “Health Laws” should be allowed to make that choice; however, men who choose to explore other avenues of health, including chiropractic, holistic health, acupuncture, and even Shamans, should have the ability to make whatever choices their “Free Wills” desire.
- Let the buyer beware!
- If men kill themselves from their “health choices”, so be it.
- Men are already dying from “Health Choices” being forced upon society, by the Rockefeller-based Medical Organizations.
………..end of “Five Immense “Societal” Problems/Solutions………
All information on Free Fiddle Workshop is COPYLEFT, not copyright. Spread the real news. The author (real name Roger Reynard) claims NO OWNERSHIP of this material.